Quick start on GemClus

In GemClus, we distinguish models and their objective function. It is possible to pick any pair of model and objective function to do clustering. Let us use for example a logistic regression or a multi-layered perceptron (MLP) as clustering models. In GemClus, generic models come by default with the one-vs-all MMD GEMINI.

# Import model definitions
from gemclus import mlp
from gemclus import linear

# Create a 2-layer neural network for clustering
model = mlp.MLPModel()
p_y_given_x = model.predict_proba(X)

# Create an unsupervised logistic regression
model = linear.LinearModel()
p_y_given_x = model.predict_proba(X)

It is possible to select different GEMINI by using the gemini parameter. All available GEMINIs are listed in gemclus.gemini.AVAILABLE_GEMINIS. For example, the one-vs-one total variation GEMINI can be accessed using the code “tv_ovo”.

model = mlp.MLPModel(gemini="tv_ovo")

Another approach is to instanciate the desired gemini and pass it as argument. Here, we pass the argument ovo=True. Otherwise, geminis are in OvA mode by default.

from gemclus import gemini

objective = gemini.TVGEMINI(ovo=True)
model = mlp.MLPModel(gemini=objective)

The MMD and Wasserstein GEMINIs are a bit more special because they required a kernel (resp. a distance). It is possible to use any kernel/distance in scikit-learn.

# Create OvA Wasserstein GEMINI with manhattan distance
objective = gemini.WassersteinGEMINI(metric="manhattan")

It is further possible to pass parameters to this metric. For example, if we use an RBF kernel in the MMD GEMINI, we would like to set the scale parameter, named gamma in scikit-learn.

# Set gamma parameter to 2 in rbf kernel
objective = gemini.MMDGEMINI(kernel="rbf", kernel_params={"gamma":2})

If a kernel or a distance cannot among those proposed by default, it can be passed as an argument to the fit method. To that end, the value “precomputed” must be passed to the kernel or metric argument.

# We use a pre-computed kernel in the objective
objective = gemini.MMDGEMINI(kernel="precomputed")
# So we pass the custom kernel inside the fit method
model = linear.LinearModel(gemini=objective)
model.fit(X, precomputed_kernel)

To simplify the above code when using MMD or Wasserstein distance in GEMINI, we propose models that directly incorporate those GEMINIs in their constructor. These specific models have the word Model replaced by MMD`or `Wasserstein in their name, e.g. gemini.linear.LinearMMD or gemini.mlp.MLPWasserstein.

# Define a logistic regression trained by OvO MMD GEMINI
model = linear.LinearMMD(ovo=True, kernel="rbf", kernel_params={"gamma":2})
# Define a mlp trained with OvA Wasserstein GEMINI on a custom metric
model = mlp.MLPWasserstein(metric="precomputed")

Discriminative models can be easily incorporated in the GemClus framework using inheritance from the base model gemclus.base.DiscriminativeModel. An example is given here.