Quick start on GemClus

We provide here a short description of the GEMINI clustering package and hints about what it can do or not.


For more details on the definition of GEMINI and its performances, please refer to the original publication by Ohl et al [1].

What is GEMINI

GEMINI stands for Generalised Mutual Information, a novel type of information theory score that can be used as an objective to maximise to perform clustering. GEMINI consists in measuring the expectation of a distance \(D\) between custer distributions. For a set of clustering distributions \(p_\theta(x|y)\), GEMINI has two definitions. The first one is the one-vs-all (OvA) which compares the cluster distribution to the data distribution:

\[\mathbb{E}_{y \sim p_\theta(y)} \left[ D(p_\theta(x|y) \| p(x))\right],\]

and the one-vs-one (OvO) version which compares two independently drawn cluster distributions:

\[\mathbb{E}_{y_1, y_2 \sim p_\theta(y)} \left[ D(p_\theta(x|y_1) \| p_\theta(x | y_2))\right].\]

The specificity of GEMINI is that it involves distances in which the Bayes Theorem can easily be performed to get a tractable objective that we cane valuate using only clustering probabilities. Hence, models trained with GEMINI are discriminative models \(p_\theta(y|x)\) without any parametric assumption.

Doing discriminative clustering

The package respects the scikit-learn conventions for models API. Thus, doing clustering with the GEMINI looks like:

# Import the model and a simple datasets
from gemclus.mlp import MLPModel
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
X,y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)

# Fit GEMINI clustering
model = MLPModel(n_clusters=3, gemini="mmd_ova").fit(X)


At the moment, and as reported in [1], GEMINI models may converge to using fewer clusters than asked in the models. It is thus a good practice to get models to run several times and get a good merge of the results.

For the details of the available models and GEMINI losses, you may check the API reference. Moreover, we give additional hints on how to derive your own model from the base classes in the User Guide.

Selecting features in clustering

We further propose an improvement of the GEMINI clustering to bring feature selection. This is mainly inspired from [2] and was proposed in [3]. If you feel interested in feature selection, take a look at our sparse models or tree models.
