import warnings
from numbers import Real
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS
from sklearn.neural_network._stochastic_optimizers import SGDOptimizer
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval, StrOptions
from sklearn.utils.extmath import softmax
from ._base_sparse import _path, check_groups
from ._prox_grad import group_mlp_prox_grad, mlp_prox_grad
from ..gemini import MMDGEMINI
from ..mlp._mlp_geminis import MLPModel
class SparseMLPModel(MLPModel):
""" Implementation of a neural network as a clustering distribution :math:`p(y|x)` with variable selection.
On top of the vanilla MLP GEMINI model, this variation brings a skip connection from the data to the cluster
output. This skip connection ensures a sparsity constraint through a group-lasso penalty and a proximal gradient
that eliminates input features as well in the first layer of the MLP.
This architecture is inspired from LassoNet by Lemhadri et al. (2021).
n_clusters : int, default=3
The maximum number of clusters to form as well as the number of output neurons in the neural network.
groups: list of arrays of various shapes, default=None
If groups is set, it must describe a partition of the indices of variables. This will be used for performing
variable selection with groups of features considered to represent one variable. This option can typically be
used for one-hot-encoded variables. Variable indices that are not entered will be considered alone.
For example, with 3 features, accepted values can be [[0],[1],[2]], [[0,1],[2]] or [[0,1]].
max_iter: int, default=1000
Maximum number of epochs to perform gradient descent in a single run.
learning_rate: float, default=1e-3
Initial learning rate used. It controls the step-size in updating the weights.
n_hidden_dim: int, default=20
The number of neurons in the hidden layer of the neural network.
dynamic: bool, default=False
Whether to run the path in dynamic mode or not. The dynamic mode consists of affinities computed using
only the subset of selected variables instead of all variables.
solver: {'sgd','adam'}, default='adam'
The solver for weight optimisation.
- 'sgd' refers to stochastic gradient descent.
- 'adam' refers to a stochastic gradient-based optimiser proposed by Kingma, Diederik and Jimmy Ba.
alpha: float, default=1e-2
The weight of the group-lasso penalty in the optimisation scheme.
M: float, default=10 The hierarchy coefficient that controls the relative strength between the group-lasso
penalty of the skip connection and the sparsity of the first layer of the MLP.
batch_size: int, default=None
The size of batches during gradient descent training. If set to None, the whole data will be considered.
verbose: bool, default=False
Whether to print progress messages to stdout
random_state: int, RandomState instance, default=None
Determines random number generation for weights and bias initialisation.
Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.
W1_: ndarray, shape (n_features, n_hidden_dim)
The linear weights of the first layer
b1_: ndarray of shape (1, n_hidden_dim)
The biases of the first layer
W2_: ndarray of shape (n_hidden_dim, n_clusters)
The linear weights of the hidden layer
b2_: ndarray of shape (1, n_clusters)
The biases of the hidden layer
W_skip_: ndarray of shape (n_features, n_clusters)
The linear weights of the skip connection
optimiser_: `AdamOptimizer` or `SGDOptimizer`
The optimisation algorithm used for training depending on the chosen solver parameter.
labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples)
The labels that were assigned to the samples passed to the :meth:`fit` method.
n_iter_: int
The number of iterations that the model took for converging.
H_: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_hidden_dim)
The hidden representation of the samples after fitting.
groups_: list of lists of int or None
The explicit partition of the variables formed by the groups parameter if it was not None.
GEMINI - Generalised Mutual Information for Discriminative Clustering
Louis Ohl, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Charles Bouveyron, Warith Harchaoui, Mickaël Leclercq,
Arnaud Droit, Frederic Precioso
LassoNet architecture - LassoNet: A Neural Network with Feature Sparsity.
Lemhadri, I., Ruan, F., Abraham, L., & Tibshirani, R.
Sparse GEMINI - Sparse GEMINI for joint discriminative clustering and feature selection
Louis Ohl, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Charles Bouveyron, Mickaël Leclercq,
Arnaud Droit, Frederic Precioso
See Also
SparseMLPMMD: sparse logistic regression trained for clustering with the MMD GEMINI
_parameter_constraints: dict = {
"M": [Interval(Real, 0, np.inf, closed="left")],
"alpha": [Interval(Real, 0, np.inf, closed="left")],
"dynamic": [bool]
def __init__(self, n_clusters=3, gemini="mmd_ova", groups=None, max_iter=1000, learning_rate=1e-3, n_hidden_dim=20,
M=10, alpha=1e-2, dynamic=False, solver="adam", batch_size=None, verbose=False, random_state=None):
self.M = M
self.alpha = alpha
self.groups = groups
self.dynamic = dynamic
def _init_params(self, random_state, X=None):
super()._init_params(random_state, X)
threshold = np.sqrt(1 / self.n_features_in_)
self.W_skip_ = random_state.uniform(-threshold, threshold, size=(self.n_features_in_, self.n_clusters))
def _infer(self, X, retain=True):
H = np.maximum(X @ self.W1_ + self.b1_, 0)
output_network = H @ self.W2_ + self.b2_
output_skip = X @ self.W_skip_
if retain:
self.H_ = H
return softmax(output_network + output_skip)
def _compute_grads(self, X, y_pred, gradient):
tau_hat_grad = y_pred * (gradient - (y_pred * gradient).sum(1, keepdims=True)) # Shape NxK
W2_grad = self.H_.T @ tau_hat_grad # Shape
b2_grad = tau_hat_grad.sum(0, keepdims=True)
backprop_grad = tau_hat_grad @ W2_grad.T
backprop_grad *= self.H_ > 0
W1_grad = X.T @ backprop_grad
b1_grad = backprop_grad.sum(0, keepdims=True)
W_skip_grad = X.T @ tau_hat_grad # Gradient from the GEMINI objective
# Negative sign to force the optimiser to maximise instead of minimise
gradients = [-W1_grad, -W2_grad, -W_skip_grad, -b1_grad, -b2_grad]
return gradients
def _get_weights(self):
return [self.W1_, self.W2_, self.W_skip_, self.b1_, self.b2_]
def _update_weights(self, weights, gradients):
# First update the weights according to our optimiser
self.optimiser_.update_params(weights, gradients)
# Then statisfy the sparsity constraint of the MLP by
# evaluating the proximal gradient
if self.groups_ is None:
new_W_skip, new_W1 = mlp_prox_grad(self.W_skip_, self.W1_, self.alpha * self.optimiser_.learning_rate,
new_W_skip, new_W1 = group_mlp_prox_grad(self.groups_, self.W_skip_, self.W1_,
self.alpha * self.optimiser_.learning_rate, self.M)
np.copyto(self.W_skip_, new_W_skip)
np.copyto(self.W1_, new_W1)
def _n_selected_features(self):
return (np.linalg.norm(self.W_skip_, axis=1, ord=2) != 0).sum()
def get_selection(self):
Retrieves the indices of features that were selected by the model.
ind: ndarray
The indices of the selected features.
return np.nonzero(np.linalg.norm(self.W_skip_, axis=1, ord=2))[0]
def _group_lasso_penalty(self):
return np.linalg.norm(self.W_skip_, axis=1, ord=2).sum()
def fit(self, X, y=None):
self.groups_ = check_groups(self.groups, X.shape[1]) # Intercept to check that group forms a partition
return super().fit(X, y)
def path(self, X, y=None, alpha_multiplier=1.05, min_features=2, keep_threshold=0.9, restore_best_weights=True,
early_stopping_factor=0.99, max_patience=10):
Unfold the progressive geometric increase of the penalty weight starting from the initial alpha until
there remains only a specified amount of features.
The history of the different gemini scores are kept as well as the best weights with minimum of features
ensuring that the GEMINI score remains at a certain percentage of the maximum GEMINI score seen during the
X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
Test samples on which the feature reduction will be made.
y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_samples), default=None
Use this parameter to give a precomputed affinity metric if the option "precomputed" was passed during
construction. Otherwise, it is not used. This parameter is incompatible with the dynamic mode.
alpha_multiplier : float, default=1.05
The geometric increase of the group-lasso penalty at each-retraining. It must be greater than 1.
min_features: int, default=2
The number of features that must remain at best to stop performing the path.
keep_threshold: float, default=0.9
The percentage of the maximal GEMINI under which any solution with a minimal number of features is deemed
restore_best_weights: bool, default=True
After performing the path, the best weights offering simultaneously good GEMINI score and few features
are restored to the model. If the model is set to `dynamic=True`, then this option will be ignored because
of the incomparable nature of GEMINIs when the number of selected variables change.
early_stopping_factor: float, default=0.99
The percentage factor beyond which upgrades of the GEMINI or the group-lasso penalty are considered
too small for early stopping.
The maximum number of iterations to wait without any improvements in either the gemini score or the
group-lasso penalty before stopping the current step.
best_weights: list of ndarray of various shapes of length 5
The list containing the best weights during the path. Sequentially: `W1_`, `W2_`, `W_skip_`, `b1_`, `b2_`
geminis: list of float of length T
The history of the gemini scores as the penalty alpha was increased.
group_penalties: list of float of length T
The history of the group-lasso penalties
alphas: list of float of length T
The history of the penalty alphas during the path.
n_features: list of float of length T
The number of features that were selected at step t.
if y is not None and self.dynamic:
warnings.warn("Dynamic mode is incompatible with a precomputed metric. Ignoring dynamic mode.")
best_weights, geminis, group_lasso_penalties, alphas, n_features = _path(self, X, y, alpha_multiplier,
min_features, keep_threshold,
early_stopping_factor, max_patience)
if restore_best_weights:
if not self.dynamic:
if self.verbose:
print("Restoring best weights")
np.copyto(self.W1_, best_weights[0])
np.copyto(self.W2_, best_weights[1])
np.copyto(self.W_skip_, best_weights[2])
np.copyto(self.b1_, best_weights[3])
np.copyto(self.b2_, best_weights[4])
warnings.warn("The option restore_best_weights is incompatible with the dynamic mode. The final model "
"of the path will be kept.")
return best_weights, geminis, group_lasso_penalties, alphas, n_features
class SparseMLPMMD(SparseMLPModel):
""" This is the Sparse Version of the MLP MMD model.
On top of the vanilla MLP GEMINI model, this variation brings a skip connection from the data to the cluster
output. This skip connection ensures a sparsity constraint through a group-lasso penalty and a proximal gradient
that eliminates input features as well in the first layer of the MLP.
This architecture is inspired from LassoNet by Lemhadri et al (2021).
n_clusters : int, default=3
The maximum number of clusters to form as well as the number of output neurons in the neural network.
groups: list of arrays of various shapes, default=None
If groups is set, it must describe a partition of the indices of variables. This will be used for performing
variable selection with groups of features considered to represent one variable. This option can typically be
used for one-hot-encoded variables. Variable indices that are not entered will be considered alone.
For example, with 3 features, accepted values can be [[0],[1],[2]], [[0,1],[2]] or [[0,1]].
max_iter: int, default=1000
Maximum number of epochs to perform gradient descent in a single run.
learning_rate: float, default=1e-3
Initial learning rate used. It controls the step-size in updating the weights.
n_hidden_dim: int, default=20
The number of neurons in the hidden layer of the neural network.
kernel: {'additive_chi2', 'chi2', 'cosine','linear','poly','polynomial','rbf','laplacian','sigmoid', 'precomputed'},
The kernel to use in combination with the MMD objective. It corresponds to one value of `KERNEL_PARAMS`.
Currently, all kernel parameters are the default ones.
If the kernel is set to 'precomputed', then a custom kernel matrix must be passed to the argument `y` of
`fit`, `fit_predict` and/or `score`.
ovo: bool, default=False
Whether to run the model using the MMD OvA (False) or the MMD OvO (True).
solver: {'sgd','adam'}, default='adam'
The solver for weight optimisation.
- 'sgd' refers to stochastic gradient descent.
- 'adam' refers to a stochastic gradient-based optimiser proposed by Kingma, Diederik and Jimmy Ba.
alpha: float, default=1e-2
The weight of the group-lasso penalty in the optimisation scheme.
M: float, default=10 The hierarchy coefficient that controls the relative strength between the group-lasso
penalty of the skip connection and the sparsity of the first layer of the MLP.
dynamic: bool, default=False
Whether to run the path in dynamic mode or not. The dynamic mode consists of affinities computed using
only the subset of selected variables instead of all variables.
batch_size: int, default=None
The size of batches during gradient descent training. If set to None, the whole data will be considered.
verbose: bool, default=False
Whether to print progress messages to stdout
random_state: int, RandomState instance, default=None
Determines random number generation for weights and bias initialisation.
Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.
W1_: ndarray, shape (n_features, n_hidden_dim)
The linear weights of the first layer
b1_: ndarray of shape (1, n_hidden_dim)
The biases of the first layer
W2_: ndarray of shape (n_hidden_dim, n_clusters)
The linear weights of the hidden layer
b2_: ndarray of shape (1, n_clusters)
The biases of the hidden layer
W_skip_: ndarray of shape (n_features, n_clusters)
The linear weights of the skip connection
optimiser_: `AdamOptimizer` or `SGDOptimizer`
The optimisation algorithm used for training depending on the chosen solver parameter.
labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples)
The labels that were assigned to the samples passed to the :meth:`fit` method.
n_iter_: int
The number of iterations that the model took for converging.
H_: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_hidden_dim)
The hidden representation of the samples after fitting.
groups_: list of lists of int or None
The explicit partition of the variables formed by the groups parameter if it was not None.
GEMINI - Generalised Mutual Information for Discriminative Clustering
Louis Ohl, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Charles Bouveyron, Warith Harchaoui, Mickaël Leclercq,
Arnaud Droit, Frederic Precioso
LassoNet architecture - LassoNet: A Neural Network with Feature Sparsity.
Lemhadri, I., Ruan, F., Abraham, L., & Tibshirani, R.
Sparse GEMINI - Sparse GEMINI for joint discriminative clustering and feature selection
Louis Ohl, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Charles Bouveyron, Mickaël Leclercq,
Arnaud Droit, Frederic Precioso
See Also
SparseMLPModel: sparse two-layer neural network trained with any GEMINI
SparseLinearMMD: sparse logistic regression trained for clustering with the MMD GEMINI
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
>>> from gemclus.sparse import SparseMLPMMD
>>> X,y=load_iris(return_X_y=True)
>>> clf = SparseMLPMMD(random_state=0).fit(X)
>>> clf.predict(X[:2,:])
array([0, 0])
>>> clf.predict_proba(X[:2,:]).shape
(2, 3)
>>> clf.score(X)
_parameter_constraints: dict = {
"kernel": [StrOptions(set(list(PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS) + ["precomputed"])), callable],
"kernel_params": [dict, None],
"ovo": [bool]
def __init__(self, n_clusters=3, groups=None, max_iter=1000, learning_rate=1e-3, n_hidden_dim=20, kernel="linear",
M=10, batch_size=None, alpha=1e-2, ovo=False, dynamic=False, solver="adam", verbose=False,
random_state=None, kernel_params=None):
self.ovo = ovo
self.kernel = kernel
self.kernel_params = kernel_params
def get_gemini(self):
return MMDGEMINI(ovo=self.ovo, kernel=self.kernel, kernel_params=self.kernel_params)