import functools
import itertools
from numbers import Real
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval
from ._base_gemini import DiscriminativeModel
from ._constraints import constraint_params
def _check_structural_constraint(must_link, cannot_link):
# First establish all connected components
unique_indices = [p[0] for p in must_link] + [p[1] for p in must_link]
unique_indices = list(set(unique_indices))
connection_matrix = np.zeros((len(unique_indices), len(unique_indices)))
for pair in must_link:
i, j = unique_indices.index(pair[0]), unique_indices.index(pair[1])
connection_matrix[i, j] = connection_matrix[j, i] = 1
samples_to_explore = list(range(len(unique_indices)))
while len(samples_to_explore) != 0:
# Perform simple bfs algorithm to search all reachable nodes starting from a sample
reacheable_nodes = csgraph.breadth_first_order(connection_matrix,
for node in reacheable_nodes:
for i, j in itertools.combinations(reacheable_nodes, r=2):
for pair in cannot_link:
pair_i, pair_j = pair
if (i == pair_i and j == pair_j) or (i == pair_j and j == pair_i):
raise ValueError("Triangular contradiction in Must-link / Cannot-link constraints")
def _check_linking_constraint(must_link=None, cannot_link=None):
if hasattr(must_link, "__len__") and len(must_link) == 0:
must_link = None
if hasattr(cannot_link, "__len__") and len(cannot_link) == 0:
cannot_link = None
if must_link is not None:
must_link = check_array(must_link, ensure_2d=True, ensure_min_features=2, dtype=int,
input_name="Must-link constraint")
# Check that we do not have any self-reference
if np.any(must_link[:, 0] == must_link[:, 1]):
raise ValueError("An element is necessary in the same cluster as itself, check constraints in must-link")
must_link = []
if cannot_link is not None:
cannot_link = check_array(cannot_link, ensure_2d=True, ensure_min_features=2, dtype=int,
input_name="Cannot-link constraint")
# Check that we do not have any self-reference
if np.any(cannot_link[:, 0] == cannot_link[:, 1]):
raise ValueError("An element cannot be in a different cluster than itself, "
"check constraints in cannot-link")
cannot_link = []
if len(must_link) > 0 and len(cannot_link) > 0:
# Check that we do not have any structural contradiction
_check_structural_constraint(must_link, cannot_link)
"gemini_model": [DiscriminativeModel],
"must-link": ["array-like", None],
"cannot-link": ["array-like", None],
"factor": [Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="neither")]
def add_mlcl_constraint(gemini_model, must_link=None, cannot_link=None, factor=1.0):
Adds must-link and/or cannot-link constraints to a discriminative clustering model. The contraints are ensure by
respectively minimising or maximising the :math:`\ell_2` norm between the prediction vectors. It is thus possible
that not all constraints are fully satisfied.
gemini_model: MLP___, Linear___ or Categorical___
A GemClus model that involves gemini maximisation with gradient descent.
must_link: ndarray of shape (n_constraints, 2) or None, default=None
The constraints of samples being together must be described by a list of pairs of indices
[(i1,j1),..., (iN, jN)].
If set to None, no must-link constraint is applied on the model.
cannot_link: ndarray of shape (n_constraints, 2) or None, default=None
The constraints of samples which must not be in the same cluster must be described by a list of pairs of indices
[(i1,j1),..., (iN, jN)].
If set to None, no cannot-link constraint is applied on the model.
factor: float, default=1.0
A weighting hyperparameter for the constraints in gradient descent.
The model gemini model with decorated gradient functions to satisfy must-link / cannot-link constraints.
if not issubclass(gemini_model.__class__, DiscriminativeModel):
raise ValueError(f"The passed model does not inherit from the DiscriminativeModel class: "
_check_linking_constraint(must_link, cannot_link)
if must_link is None:
must_link = []
if cannot_link is None:
cannot_link = []
# We start by decorating the _batchify method such that we remember the indices of the samples
def decorate_batch(func):
def disguise_batch(X, affinity_matrix=None, random_state=None):
indices = np.arange(len(X))
for subset, affinity_batch in func(indices, affinity_matrix, random_state):
disguise_batch.indices = subset.tolist()
yield X[subset], affinity_batch
disguise_batch.indices = []
return disguise_batch
gemini_model._batchify = decorate_batch(gemini_model._batchify)
# Now we can decorate the gradient computation by intercepting it and adding constraints
# relative to must-link/cannot-link using known batch indices
def decorate_grads(func):
def intercept_grads(X, y_pred, gradient):
# Retrieve the indices of the last call
last_indices = gemini_model._batchify.indices
for (i, j) in cannot_link:
if i in last_indices and j in last_indices:
idx0, idx1 = last_indices.index(i), last_indices.index(j)
gradient[idx0] += factor * (y_pred[idx0] - y_pred[idx1])
gradient[idx1] += factor * (y_pred[idx1] - y_pred[idx0])
for (i, j) in must_link:
if i in last_indices and j in last_indices:
idx0, idx1 = last_indices.index(i), last_indices.index(j)
gradient[idx0] -= factor * (y_pred[idx0] - y_pred[idx1])
gradient[idx1] -= factor * (y_pred[idx1] - y_pred[idx0])
return func(X, y_pred, gradient)
return intercept_grads
gemini_model._compute_grads = decorate_grads(gemini_model._compute_grads)
return gemini_model