Consensus clustering with linking constraints on sample pairs

We show in this example how to:

  1. Perform consensus clustering using gemclus

  2. Improve the results by enforcing constraints on the clustering models

Consensus clustering is loosely an equivalent to ensemble methods in unsupervised learning where we seek to find a clustering in agreeance with multiple clustering methods. A matrix describing the ratio of times samples were clustered together is used as a metric to provide guidance for a final clustering model.

Then, to ensure that some samples remain together or apart, we add must-link / cannot-link constraints on the clustering model. While not all constraints may be satisfied, the proposed solution will try its best to be in agreeance with the low-level clustering results and the supervised inputs.

The advantage of such constraints is that they do not require knowledge on the true class of the data, but rather a simple idea of whether samples can go together or not.

# We start by loading
from gemclus.nonparametric import CategoricalWasserstein
from gemclus.linear import LinearMMD
from import celeux_one
from gemclus import add_mlcl_constraint
import itertools
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Load the dataset

# We take a small challenging dataset with 3 clusters where the true cluster means are close
X,y = celeux_one(n=100, p=5, mu=0.6, random_state = 0)

Multiple model clustering

# We fit several model on this dataset with various kernel
all_models = [LinearMMD(n_clusters=3, kernel=x, learning_rate=1e-2, ovo=True) for x in ["linear", "cosine", "sigmoid", "rbf"]]
for i in range(len(all_models)):

# How do our models perform on this dataset?
for model in all_models:
    print("Sub-model ARI: ", metrics.adjusted_rand_score(model.predict(X), y))
Sub-model ARI:  0.11914066061963555
Sub-model ARI:  0.11176053892324672
Sub-model ARI:  0.11421905413971052
Sub-model ARI:  0.22472124150185058

Build the consensus matrix

# Build the consensus matrix, i.e. the number of times pairs of samples
# were in the same cluster
consensus_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(len(X), len(X)))
for i in range(len(all_models)):
    y_pred = all_models[i].predict(X)
    for i,j in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(range(len(X)), r=2):
        consensus_matrix[i,j] += int(y_pred[i]==y_pred[j])
        consensus_matrix[j,i] = consensus_matrix[i,j]
consensus_matrix /= len(all_models)

Create the consensus clustering model

We will use a nonparametric model and provide 1-consensus_matrix as the precomputed metric for the model. Notice that the parameter X is here for API consistency, although superfluous

consensus_model = CategoricalWasserstein(n_clusters=3, random_state = 0, metric="precomputed"), 1-consensus_matrix)
y_pred_consensus = consensus_model.predict_proba(X)

# What are our consensus performances?
print("Consensus ARI: ", metrics.adjusted_rand_score(y_pred_consensus.argmax(1), y))
Consensus ARI:  0.10728640074310927

Optimise the results with linking constraints

We will enforce some pairs of samples to be together or apart. While in this simulation we use the class y to extrapolate this pairs, real life situation would emphasize more on a field expert to provide such knowledge.

We will try to use the samples that have the most confident predictions

sorted_confidence_samples = sorted(range(len(X)), key=lambda i: y_pred_consensus[i].max(), reverse=True)

must_link = []
unsure_sample_pairs = itertools.combinations(sorted_confidence_samples, 2)
while len(must_link)!=10:
    i,j = next(unsure_sample_pairs)
    if y[i]==y[j] and y_pred_consensus[i].argmax()!=y_pred_consensus[j].argmax():
        if (i,j) not in must_link:
            must_link += [(i,j)] # Sample i and j must be together

cannot_link = []
unsure_sample_pairs = itertools.combinations(sorted_confidence_samples, 2)
while len(cannot_link)!=10:
    i,j = next(unsure_sample_pairs)
    if y[i]!=y[j] and y_pred_consensus[i].argmax()==y_pred_consensus[j].argmax():
        if (i,j) not in must_link:
            cannot_link += [(i,j)] # Sample i and j should not be together

Plotting the consensus matrix

plot semi supervised consensus

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 7.966 seconds)

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