Source code for gemclus.tree.kauri

import warnings

import numpy as np

from abc import ABC
from numbers import Integral

from sklearn.base import ClusterMixin, BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS, pairwise_kernels
from sklearn.utils import check_array, check_random_state
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval, StrOptions
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ._utils import find_best_split, gemini_objective, Split
from .._constraints import constraint_params

class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.children_left = [-1]
        self.children_right = [-1] = [0]
        self.thresholds = [None]
        self.features = [None]
        self.gains = [0]
        self.depths = [0]
        self.n_nodes = 1
        self.categorical_nodes = [False]

    def _add_child(self, father: int, split: Split):  # feature, threshold, gain, target, left_to_target):
        # Update the values of the father
        self.children_left[father] = self.n_nodes
        self.children_right[father] = self.n_nodes + 1
        self.thresholds[father] = split.threshold
        self.features[father] = split.feature
        self.gains[father] = split.gain
        self.categorical_nodes[father] = split.is_categorical

        # Extend the lists to incorporate two children
        self.children_left += [-1, -1]
        self.children_right += [-1, -1]
        self.thresholds += [None, None]
        self.features += [None, None]
        self.gains += [0, 0]
        self.depths += [self.depths[father] + 1, self.depths[father] + 1]
        self.categorical_nodes += [False, False] += [split.left_target, split.right_target]

        self.n_nodes += 2

    def get_depth(self, node=None):
        if node is None:
            return max(self.depths)
            node = min(max(node, 0), len(self.depths))
            return self.depths[node]

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_nodes

    def predict(self, X, node=0):
        if node < 0 or node > self.n_nodes:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot explore tree from unexisting node {node}")
        if self.children_left[node] == -1:
            return[node] * np.ones(len(X), dtype=np.int64)
            if self.categorical_nodes[node]:
                X_left = X[:, self.features[node]] == self.thresholds
                X_left = X[:, self.features[node]] <= self.thresholds[node]
            X_right = ~X_left

            predictions = np.zeros(len(X), dtype=np.int64)
            predictions[X_left] = self.predict(X[X_left], self.children_left[node])
            predictions[X_right] = self.predict(X[X_right], self.children_right[node])

            return predictions

[docs] class Kauri(ClusterMixin, BaseEstimator, ABC): """ Implementation of the `KMeans as unsupervised reward ideal` tree algorithm. This model learns clusters by iteratively performing splits on different nodes of the tree and either assigning those nodes to new clusters or refurbishing them to already existing one according to some kernel-guided gain scores. Parameters ---------- max_clusters : int, default=3 The maximum number of clusters to form. max_depth: int, default=None The maximum depth to limit the tree construction. If set to `None`, then the tree is not limited in depth. min_samples_split: int, default=2 The minimum number of samples that must be contained in a leaf node to consider splitting it into two new leaves. min_samples_leaf: int, default=1 The minimum number of samples that must be at least in a leaf. Note that the logical constraint `min_samples_leaf`*2 <= `min_samples_split` must be satisfied. max_features: int, default=None The maximal number of features (randomly selected) to consider upon the choice of splitting a leaf. If set to `None`, then all features of the data will be used. max_leaves: int, default=None The maximal number of leaves that can be found in the tree. If set to `None`, then the tree is not limited in number of leaves. kernel: {'additive_chi2', 'chi2', 'cosine','linear','poly','polynomial','rbf','laplacian','sigmoid', 'precomputed'}, default='linear' The kernel to use in combination with the MMD objective. It corresponds to one value of `KERNEL_PARAMS`. Currently, all kernel parameters are the default ones. If set to 'precomputed', then a custom kernel must be passed to the `y` argument of the `fit` or `fit_predict` method. verbose: bool, default=False Whether to print progress messages to stdout random_state: int, RandomState instance, default=None Determines random number generation for feature exploration. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls. Attributes ---------- labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples,) The cluster in which each sample of the data was put tree_: Tree instance The underlying Tree object. Please refer to `help(sklearn.tree._tree.Tree)` for attributes of Tree object. """ _parameter_constraints: dict = { "max_clusters": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left")], "max_depth": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), None], "min_samples_split": [Interval(Integral, 2, None, closed="left")], "min_samples_leaf": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left")], "max_features": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), None], "max_leaves": [Interval(Integral, 2, None, closed="left"), None], "kernel": [StrOptions(set(list(PAIRWISE_KERNEL_FUNCTIONS) + ["precomputed"])), callable], "verbose": [bool], "random_state": ["random_state"] }
[docs] def __init__(self, max_clusters=3, max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, max_features=None, max_leaves=None, kernel="linear", verbose=False, random_state=None): self.max_clusters = max_clusters self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split self.min_samples_leaf = min_samples_leaf self.max_features = max_features self.max_leaves = max_leaves self.kernel = kernel self.verbose = verbose self.random_state = random_state
def _compute_kernel(self, X, y=None): if self.kernel == "precomputed": if y is None: warnings.warn("A precomputed kernel was supposed to be passed to arg y, yet y is None... " "Switching to linear kernel") kernel = pairwise_kernels(X, metric="linear") else: kernel = y else: kernel = pairwise_kernels(X, metric=self.kernel) return kernel
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Performs the KAURI algorithm by repeatedly choosing leaves, evaluating best gain and increasing the tree structure until structural limits or maximal gains are reached. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training instances to cluster. y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_samples), default=None Use this parameter to give a precomputed affinity metric if the option "precomputed" was passed during construction. Otherwise, it is not used and present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- self : object Fitted estimator. """ self._validate_params() # Check that X has the correct shape X = check_array(X) X = self._validate_data(X, accept_sparse=True, dtype=np.float64, ensure_min_samples=self.min_samples_leaf) # Create the random state random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) # Check that all variables follow some logical constraints if self.min_samples_leaf * 2 > self.min_samples_split: raise ValueError("Contradiction between the number of samples required to consider a split and the " "number of samples needed to create a leaf") if self.verbose: print("Initialising variables") kernel = self._compute_kernel(X, y) n, self.n_features_in_ = X.shape # Set up variables for tree construction max_leaves = self.max_leaves if self.max_leaves is not None else n max_features = min(X.shape[1], max(self.max_features, 1)) if self.max_features is not None else X.shape[1] max_depth = len(X) if self.max_depth is None else self.max_depth # Set up variables for tree representation self.tree_ = Tree() Z = np.zeros((max_leaves, len(X)), dtype=np.int64) # Leaf2sample Z[0, :] = 1 Y = np.zeros((self.max_clusters, max_leaves), dtype=np.int64) # Cluster 2 leaf Y[0, 0] = 1 # Trackers to help minimising computations n_leaves = 1 n_clusters = 1 leaves_to_explore = [0] last_gain = np.inf leaf2node = {0: 0} if self.verbose: print("Starting main loop") while last_gain > 0 and n_leaves < max_leaves and len(leaves_to_explore) != 0: # This is going to be inside the loop best_split = find_best_split(kernel, X, np.array(leaves_to_explore), Y, Z, n_clusters, self.max_clusters, n_leaves, self.min_samples_leaf, random_state.choice(X.shape[1], size=max_features, replace=False)) last_gain = best_split.gain if last_gain > 0: if self.verbose: print(f"Gain is: {last_gain}") print(f"=> Cut is on feature {best_split.feature} <= {best_split.threshold}") print(f"=> From ({best_split.leaf}), assignments are L = {best_split.left_target}" f" / R = {best_split.right_target}") # Update our knowledge given the split # Find the indices of this leaf leaf_indices, = np.where(Z[best_split.leaf] == 1) # Now, identify indices of left vs right split left_indices, = np.where(X[leaf_indices, best_split.feature] <= best_split.threshold) left_indices = leaf_indices[left_indices] right_indices = np.setxor1d(leaf_indices, left_indices) if self.verbose: print(f"=> Sizes are: L = {len(left_indices)} / R = {len(right_indices)}") # Start by updating Z # Left always keep the same leaf number, i.e. turn of right in this leaf Z[best_split.leaf, right_indices] = 0 # Right gets added a new leaf number Z[n_leaves, right_indices] = 1 # Then Y # Find the custer of leaf k = Y[:, best_split.leaf].argmax() Y[k, best_split.leaf] = 0 # Leaf does not belong any longer in this cluster Y[best_split.left_target, best_split.leaf] = 1 # It belongs to the target of left Y[best_split.right_target, n_leaves] = 1 # Update the tree using the split self.tree_._add_child(leaf2node[best_split.leaf], best_split) parent_depth = self.tree_.get_depth(leaf2node[best_split.leaf]) # Update the leaf 2 node # # At each split, we add 2 nodes. So we will always have 2*n_leaves-1 nodes (e.g. 2 leaves => 3 # nodes, 4 leaves => 7 nodes) leaf2node[best_split.leaf] = 2 * n_leaves - 1 # Index of the left child leaf2node[n_leaves] = 2 * n_leaves # Index of the right child # Pop out the old leaf leaves_to_explore.remove(best_split.leaf) # Add the new leaves to explore if they respect structural constraints if parent_depth + 1 < max_depth: if len(left_indices) >= self.min_samples_split: leaves_to_explore.append(best_split.leaf) if len(right_indices) >= self.min_samples_split: leaves_to_explore.append(n_leaves) # Now, increment the number of leaves n_leaves += 1 # Increment the number of clusters if it did happen if best_split.left_target >= n_clusters and best_split.right_target >= n_clusters: # Double star gain n_clusters += 2 elif best_split.left_target >= n_clusters or best_split.right_target >= n_clusters: # Single star gain n_clusters += 1 self.labels_ = (Y @ Z).argmax(0) self.leaves_ = Z.argmax(0) return self
[docs] def fit_predict(self, X, y=None): """Performs the KAURI algorithm by repeatedly choosing leaves, evaluating best gain and increasing the tree structure until structural limits or maximal gains are reached. Returns the assigned clusters to the data samples. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training instances to cluster. y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_samples), default=None Use this parameter to give a precomputed affinity metric if the option "precomputed" was passed during construction. Otherwise, it is not used and present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- y_pred : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Vector containing the cluster label for each sample. """ return, y).labels_
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Passes the data samples `X` through the tree structure to assign cluster membership. This method can be called only once `fit` or `fit_predict` was performed. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training instances to cluster. Returns ------- y_pred : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Vector containing the cluster label for each sample. """ # Check is fit had been called check_is_fitted(self) # Input validation X = check_array(X) return self.tree_.predict(X)
[docs] def score(self, X, y=None): """ Return the value of the GEMINI evaluated on the given test data. Note that this GEMINI is a special variation for the MMD-GEMINI with dirac distributions and hence may be different up to constants or factors of the actual GEMINI. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test samples. y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_samples), default=None Use this parameter to give a precomputed affinity metric if the option "precomputed" was passed during construction. Otherwise, it is not used and present here for API consistency by convention. Returns ------- score : float GEMINI evaluated on the output of ``self.predict(X)``. """ y_pred = self.predict(X) kernel = self._compute_kernel(X, y) return gemini_objective(y_pred, kernel)