from functools import reduce
from numbers import Integral, Real
import numpy as np
from .._base_gemini import DiscriminativeModel
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval
from sklearn.utils.extmath import softmax
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
class Douglas(DiscriminativeModel):
Implementation of the `DNDTs optimised using GEMINI leveraging apprised splits` tree algorithm. This model learns
clusters by optimising learnable parameters to perform feature-wise soft-binnings and recombine those bins
into a single cluster predictions. The parameters are optimised to maximise a generalised mutual information score.
n_clusters : int, default=3
The number of clusters to form as well as the number of output neurons in the neural network.
gemini: str, GEMINI instance or None, default="wasserstein_ova"
GEMINI objective used to train this discriminative model. Can be "mmd_ova", "mmd_ovo", "wasserstein_ova",
"wasserstein_ovo", "mi" or other GEMINI available in `gemclus.gemini.AVAILABLE_GEMINI`. Default GEMINIs
involve the Euclidean metric or linear kernel. To incorporate custom metrics, a GEMINI can also
be passed as an instance. If None, the GEMINI will be the MMD OvA.
n_cuts: int, default=1
The number of cuts to consider per feature in the soft binning function of the DNDT
feature_mask: array of boolean [shape d], default None
A boolean vector indicating whether a feature should be considered or not among splits. If None,
all features are considered during training.
temperature: float, default=0.1
The temperature controls the relative importance of logits per leaf soft-binning. A high temperature smoothens
the differences in probability whereas a low temperature produces distributions closer to delta Dirac
max_iter: int, default=100
The number of epochs for training the model parameters.
batch_size: int, default=None
The number of samples per batch during an epoch. If set to `None`, all samples will be considered in a single
solver: {'sgd','adam'}, default='adam'
The solver for weight optimisation.
- 'sgd' refers to stochastic gradient descent.
- 'adam' refers to a stochastic gradient-based optimiser proposed by Kingma, Diederik and Jimmy Ba.
learning_rate: float, default=1e-2
The learning rate hyperparameter for the optimiser's update rule.
verbose: bool, default=False
Whether to print progress messages to stdout
random_state: int, RandomState instance, default=None
Determines random number generation for feature exploration.
Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls.
optimiser_: `AdamOptimizer` or `SGDOptimizer`
The optimisation algorithm used for training depending on the chosen solver parameter.
labels_: ndarray of shape (n_samples)
The labels that were assigned to the samples passed to the :meth:`fit` method.
n_iter_: int
The number of iterations that the model took for converging.
_parameter_constraints: dict = {
"n_cuts": [Interval(Integral, 1, None, closed="left"), None],
"feature_mask": [np.ndarray, None],
"temperature": [Interval(Real, 0, None, closed="neither")],
def __init__(self, n_clusters=3, gemini="wasserstein_ova", n_cuts=1, feature_mask=None, temperature=0.1,
max_iter=100, batch_size=None, solver="adam", learning_rate=1e-2, verbose=False, random_state=None):
self.n_cuts = n_cuts
self.feature_mask = feature_mask
self.temperature = temperature
def _leaf_binning(self, X, cut_points):
n = len(cut_points)
W = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(1, n + 1, n + 1, dtype=np.float64), axis=0)
order = np.argsort(cut_points)
sorted_cut_points = cut_points[order]
b = np.cumsum(np.concatenate([np.zeros(1), -sorted_cut_points])).reshape((1, -1))
logits = X @ W + b
return softmax(logits / self.temperature), order
def _merge_leaf(self, leaf_res1, leaf_res2):
# Compute feature-wise kronecker product
product = np.einsum("ij,ik->ijk", leaf_res1, leaf_res2)
# reshape to 2d
return product.reshape((-1,[1:])))
def _infer(self, X, retain=True):
leaf_binning = lambda z: self._leaf_binning(X[:, z[0]:z[0] + 1], z[1])
cut_iterator = map(leaf_binning, self.cut_points_list_)
all_binnings_results = list(cut_iterator)
all_binnings = [x[0] for x in all_binnings_results]
all_orders = [x[1] for x in all_binnings_results]
leaf = reduce(self._merge_leaf, all_binnings)
y_pred = leaf @ self.leaf_scores_
if retain:
self._leaf = leaf
self._all_orders = all_orders
self._all_binnings = all_binnings
return softmax(y_pred)
def _init_params(self, random_state, X=None):
# Create the parameters
if self.feature_mask is None:
self.cut_points_list_ = [(i, random_state.normal(size=(self.n_cuts,))) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
num_leaf = int((self.n_cuts + 1) ** X.shape[1])
if len(self.feature_mask) != X.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("The boolean feature mask must have as much entries as the number of features")
self.cut_points_list_ = [(i, random_state.normal(size=self.n_cuts, )) for i in range(X.shape[1])
if self.feature_mask[i]]
num_leaf = int((self.n_cuts + 1) ** len(self.cut_points_list_))
if self.verbose:
print(f"Total will be {num_leaf} values per sample")
self.leaf_scores_ = random_state.normal(size=(num_leaf, self.n_clusters))
def _compute_grads(self, X, y_pred, gradient):
# Start by the backprop through the softmax
y_pred_grad = y_pred * (gradient - (y_pred * gradient).sum(1, keepdims=True))
# Then backprop through the final matrix multiplication
binning_backprop = y_pred_grad @ self.leaf_scores_.T
leaf_score_backprop = self._leaf.T @ y_pred_grad
# Store the update corresponding to the leaf score, negate for maximisation instead of minimisation
updates = [-leaf_score_backprop]
# Then, compute all feature kronecker derivatives
axes_for_reshape = tuple([-1] + [len(x[1]) + 1 for x in self.cut_points_list_])
binning_backprop = binning_backprop.reshape(axes_for_reshape)
# We must multiply the binning gradient by all binnings
binning_backprop *= self._leaf.reshape(axes_for_reshape)
# Compute individual cut points backprop
for i, (_, cut_points) in enumerate(self.cut_points_list_):
axes_for_sum = tuple([1 + j for j in range(len(self.cut_points_list_)) if i != j])
softmax_grad = binning_backprop.sum(axes_for_sum) / self._all_binnings[i]
bin_grad = self._all_binnings[i] * (
softmax_grad - (self._all_binnings[i] * softmax_grad).sum(1, keepdims=True)) # Shape Nx(d+1)
bin_grad /= self.temperature
# Gradient is directly on the bias, so we only need to do the cumsum backprop after summing on
# all samples
# We remove the gradient on the constant [0]
bias_grad = bin_grad.sum(0)[1:]
cumsum_grad = -np.cumsum(bias_grad[::-1])[::-1]
# Take the order back
cut_grad = cumsum_grad[np.argsort(self._all_orders[i])]
# Apply update rule and negate for maximisation instead of minimisation
updates += [-cut_grad]
return updates
def _get_weights(self):
return [self.leaf_scores_] + list(map(lambda x: x[1], self.cut_points_list_))
def find_active_points(self, X):
Calculates the list of cut points that are considered as active for a Douglas tree and some data X. A cut point
is active if its value falls within the bounds of its matching feature.
Active points can be used for finding features that actively contributed to the clustering.
X: {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
Test samples.
active_points: List
A list containing the integer indices of features for which the Douglas model has active cut points
X = check_array(X)
if X.shape[1] < len(self.cut_points_list_):
raise ValueError("The passed data has fewer features than the number of cut points expected for the "
"Douglas model")
active_points = []
for (feature_index, cut_points) in self.cut_points_list_:
feature = X[:, feature_index]
min_threshold = cut_points.min()
max_threshold = cut_points.max()
# Check of the cut point lists having at least one threshold falling within bounds of the feature
if not (np.all(feature <= min_threshold) or np.all(feature >= max_threshold)):
active_points += [feature_index]
return active_points