from abc import ABC
from numbers import Real
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval
from .._constraints import constraint_params
from ._base_loss import _GEMINI
class _FDivergence(_GEMINI, ABC):
# This helper intermediate class simply defines the compute_affinity for all f-divergences
def compute_affinity(self, X, y=None):
Unused for f-divergences.
return None
class KLGEMINI(_FDivergence):
Implements the one-vs-all and one-vs-one KL GEMINI.
The one-vs-all version compares the KL divergence between a cluster distribution
and the data distribution. It is the classical mutual information.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y \sim p(y)}[\\text{KL}(p(x|y)\|p(x))]
The one-vs-one version compares the KL divergence between two cluster distributions.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y_a,y_b \sim p(y)}[\\text{KL}(p(x|y_a)\|p(x|y_b))]
ovo: bool, default=False
Whether to use the one-vs-all objective (False) or the one-vs-one objective (True).
epsilon: float, default=1e-12
The precision for clipping the prediction values in order to avoid numerical instabilities.
"ovo": [bool],
"epsilon": [Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="neither")]
def __init__(self, ovo=False, epsilon=1e-12):
self.ovo = ovo
def evaluate(self, y_pred, affinity, return_grad=False):
# Use a clip mask for numerical stability in gradients
clip_mask = (y_pred > self.epsilon) & (y_pred < 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y_x = np.clip(y_pred, self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y = p_y_x.mean(0)
log_p_y_x = np.log(p_y_x)
log_p_y = np.log(p_y)
cluster_entropy = np.sum(p_y * log_p_y)
prediction_entropy = np.sum(np.mean(p_y_x * log_p_y_x, axis=0))
if self.ovo:
mutual_information = prediction_entropy - np.sum(p_y * np.mean(log_p_y_x, axis=0))
mutual_information = prediction_entropy - cluster_entropy
if return_grad:
if self.ovo:
gradient_mi = (log_p_y_x + 1) / log_p_y_x.shape[0] - (p_y / p_y_x + np.mean(log_p_y_x, axis=0)) / \
gradient_mi = log_p_y_x / log_p_y_x.shape[0] - log_p_y / log_p_y_x.shape[0]
return mutual_information, gradient_mi * clip_mask
return mutual_information
Implements the classical mutual information between cluster conditional probabilities and the complete data
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y \sim p(y)}[\\text{KL}(p(x|y)\|p(x))]
This class is a simplified shortcut for KLGEMINI(ovo=False).
epsilon: float, default=1e-12
The precision for clipping the prediction values in order to avoid numerical instabilities.
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-12):
super().__init__(ovo=False, epsilon=epsilon)
class TVGEMINI(_FDivergence):
Implements the one-vs-all and one-vs-one Total Variation distance GEMINI.
The one-vs-all version compares the total variation distance between a cluster distribution
and the data distribution.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y \sim p(y)}[\\text{TV}(p(x|y)\|p(x))]
The one-vs-one version compares the TV distance between two cluster distributions.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y_a,y_b \sim p(y)}[\\text{TV}(p(x|y_a)\|p(x|y_b))]
ovo: bool, default=False
Whether to use the one-vs-all objective (False) or the one-vs-one objective (True).
epsilon: float, default=1e-12
The precision for clipping the prediction values in order to avoid numerical instabilities.
"ovo": [bool],
"epsilon": [Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="neither")]
def __init__(self, ovo=False, epsilon=1e-12):
self.ovo = ovo
def evaluate(self, y_pred, affinity, return_grad=False):
# Use a clip mask for numerical stability in gradients
clip_mask = (y_pred > self.epsilon) & (y_pred < 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y_x = np.clip(y_pred, self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y = p_y_x.mean(0)
if self.ovo:
# Extend to 3d tensors to compute p(y=k|x_i) * p(y=k^\prime)
# Shape: NxKx1
extended_p_y = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.expand_dims(p_y, axis=0), y_pred.shape[0], axis=0), axis=-1)
# Nx1xK
extended_p_y_x = np.expand_dims(p_y_x, axis=1)
# NxKxK
cross_product = extended_p_y @ extended_p_y_x
difference = cross_product - np.transpose(cross_product, axes=[0, 2, 1])
difference = p_y_x - p_y
sign_mask = np.sign(difference)
# Doing the mean on the data axis, helps to handle the sum of differences with either 2d or 3d axes
pseudo_estimates = np.mean(np.abs(difference), axis=0)
tv_gemini = 0.5 * np.sum(pseudo_estimates)
if return_grad:
if self.ovo:
base_grad = sign_mask / y_pred.shape[0]
cross_prod_grad = base_grad - np.transpose(base_grad, axes=[0, 2, 1]) # NxKxK
extended_p_y_x_grad = np.transpose(extended_p_y,
axes=[0, 2, 1]) @ cross_prod_grad # Nx1xK,NxKxK => Nx1xK
extended_p_y_grad = cross_prod_grad @ np.transpose(extended_p_y_x,
axes=[0, 2, 1]) # NxKxK, NxKx1 => NxKx1
gradients = np.squeeze(extended_p_y_x_grad) + np.squeeze(extended_p_y_grad).mean(0)
gradients = (sign_mask - np.mean(sign_mask, axis=0)) / y_pred.shape[0]
return tv_gemini, 0.5 * gradients * clip_mask
return tv_gemini
class HellingerGEMINI(_FDivergence):
Implements the one-vs-all and one-vs-one Squared Hellinger distance GEMINI.
The one-vs-all version compares the squared Hellinger distance distance between a cluster distribution
and the data distribution.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y \sim p(y)}[\\text{H}^2(p(x|y)\|p(x))]
The one-vs-one version compares the squared Hellinger distance between two cluster distributions.
.. math::
\mathcal{I} = \mathbb{E}_{y_a,y_b \sim p(y)}[\\text{H}^2(p(x|y_a)\|p(x|y_b))]
ovo: bool, default=False
Whether to use the one-vs-all objective (False) or the one-vs-one objective (True).
epsilon: float, default=1e-12
The precision for clipping the prediction values in order to avoid numerical instabilities.
"ovo": [bool],
"epsilon": [Interval(Real, 0, 1, closed="neither")]
def __init__(self, ovo=False, epsilon=1e-12):
self.ovo = ovo
def evaluate(self, y_pred, affinity, return_grad=False):
# Use a clip mask for numerical stability in gradients
clip_mask = (y_pred > self.epsilon) & (y_pred < 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y_x = np.clip(y_pred, self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon)
p_y = p_y_x.mean(0)
cluster_wise_estimates = np.sqrt(p_y_x * p_y)
estimates = np.sum(cluster_wise_estimates, axis=1)
if self.ovo:
estimates = np.square(estimates)
hellinger_gemini = 1 - np.mean(estimates, axis=0)
if return_grad:
if self.ovo:
sqrt_estimates = np.sqrt(estimates.reshape((-1, 1)))
gradients = - (p_y / cluster_wise_estimates * sqrt_estimates + np.mean(
p_y_x / cluster_wise_estimates * sqrt_estimates, axis=0))
gradients = -0.5 * (p_y / cluster_wise_estimates + np.mean(p_y_x / cluster_wise_estimates, axis=0))
gradients /= y_pred.shape[0]
return hellinger_gemini, gradients * clip_mask
return hellinger_gemini